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Full Version: When you start researching where is a good place to start?
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Me too. I always do the sidelines first in soccer fields. I've found a bunch of silver rings that way. I've done the main fields after the season is over but rarely find much of anything, although that might not be true for other detectorists. And I don't know why but baseball fields are "Loaded" with beer bottle caps, whereas I don't find that with soccer and lacrosse fields, just those round foil seals from juice drinks and yogurt.
YesYesYesBeerBeer Brrrpp....
Ohio Dirt Fisher, Yeah I get plenty of those round aluminum tops for juice bottles, I think they are small gold itmes....just crap
Yeah, I also hit the fields after the season, I wait for it to get a little cold, no one around and I can go slow with a small coil it does wonders.
Some of the baseball fields that have beer caps are the ones the after high school players use. Around here there late night softball games
One of my boys found a Danish coin that way, I think it was Danish, i'll have check again.
Great car in your avaitar - maybe the Danish coin was real old? Or was it a recent coin from a current tourist? 
I found a bunch of foreign coins on a beach in NJ one summer - they were all in the same hole. Probably feel out of someone's pocket while enjoying the sun set or maybe sun raise!
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