Treasure Classifieds Forum

Full Version: Bored !!!!
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Pages: 1 2
(02-27-2015 10:25 PM)deathray Wrote: [ -> ]Haha,love me some Death Angel! Keep checking this forum for the latest Ca Relic Adventure,hint,hint.

Uh oh, what did you find now, Ray?!?! Gotta leave us hanging like that, huh bud???

I'm all ears...and eyes!!!

Not me Joe! I mean its been awhile since Ron posted one of his fantastic videos! I am going out nuggetshooting tomorrow though.
(02-27-2015 11:17 PM)deathray Wrote: [ -> ]Not me Joe! I mean its been awhile since Ron posted one of his fantastic videos! I am going out nuggetshooting tomorrow though.

Aawww hell, his videos get boring after a while, all he ever finds is gold!!! Lol Tongue Hahaha Love you Ron, save some for us mere mortals, PLEAZZZZZZ!

Hahahaha. I might actually have to try that.
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