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Full Version: Woods & Spoons & Silver!
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I have been going out steadily over the past 10 days with a few breaks in between. I had hit this spot back in December for the first time and found some clad and trash but that was about it. I went back today, snow and 30F for the high, but decided to take on a specific area and kind of do it thoroughly. It was a large area btw, with a lot of stepping over fallen trees and pushing through low branched saplings but otherwise not to bad as the small amount of snow we got pressed everything down to the ground. I dug up about five memorials and 2 clad dimes so I felt there was some hope in my plan. About 3/4 way through my search I came to a couple of huge trees, one down and one still up, and about 30 feet from each other. I noticed that around the dead tree, which was once about 4 feet in diameter, there were foil signals all over the place. One of them was a strong 10-06 with a good midtone and I suspected it to be a ball of foil. Turned out to be a plated spoon and was, "No news like good news.", when your out in the woods! So I slowed down and hit the area real good. About fifteen feet from the spoon I get a real good high tone and the numbers are real spotty (ground there is real mineralized). At about 6" out pops a 42 Merc! At this point I was elated as it was my first silver for the year and I really thought that I'd have to come home busted again. I made my way out to the trail and back to the car with no other significant finds but glad to finally get on the board for 2019!

Stay warm out there and GL & HH!


Spoon: Plymouth Silver Plate. Jewel Pattern of 1938 vintage.
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