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Being fairly new to the hobby and reading quite a few posts on several different forums that suggest new swingers start in tot lots, I was wondering how much of the total area I should be covering. Should I go over everything inside the boundary wall that holds in those wood chips, or just the area right around the swings, slides, climbers, etc. ?

I have noticed on many lots, there is quite a big open space between the 'toys' and the outer perimeter. I have about an equal number of finds in this area and under the equipment.

I have started most hunts by going around the outer edge of the chips in this empty zone and working my way in to the middle, going around the equipment as i get to it.
At some, there are benches right outside the perimeter and I always get those.

I'm still in the 'dig everything' learning mode, so the tot lots are fun, and I have even had kids follow me around when I answer "Pirate Treasure" to their questions about what I am looking for.

Thanks in advance for your help and HH
Being fairly new to the hobby as well..If I had to guess, I'd suggest to not limit yourself in the tot lots. As kid's they tend to run all around...So the high traffic areas would be swings, slides, climbers, etc like you've hit those but also don't limit yourself and don't be afraid to wander around. The pattern you're doing now seems to be good to me as well!

I'm sure you'll get some more/better info soon!

GL and HH

Groundhog, I don't advise a new guy to start at a tot lot but coins will be along the lines of travel to and from swings and or exercise equipment. You might get lucky and score a jewelry item.
You should bench test all coins and jewelry at home, either in a test bed in your backyard or sitting inside your home. Get to know the sounds.
I always dig pull tabs and nickels just in case there might be a ring or charm.

Good luck - have fun
I hunt tot lots now and then. I think of them as fishing in heavily fished waters--most of the good fish are caught so you have to hit the spots that no one else tries , next to posts and under things that overload or distort your detector. I use the F75 with the NEl Sharpshooter and turn the sens. down below 40 and hunt right up to the overload point. Take a dime and find out how close you can identify a target with your rig and let that be the minimum distance you detect at. I try to get within a couple of inches of the structures then turn the sens. up for the open areas which often are productive as most people (myself included) usually hit the high use areas the heaviest and rightly so.

I try to remember which spots produce the most nickels as that tells me the regular sweepers as just hitting the high tones and my chances for something gold increases. Keep digging the foil and tabs , really everything , unless it just gets too ridiculous , as it will in some heavily used public areas. I find good things hiding near the borders especially if the curbs are concrete and the lot is recessed so there's a bit of a step down. Sweep at least once parallel to the curb and then perpendicular so your first sweep will catch things you may miss by not overlapping enough , it's faster too.
You might take a bobby pin and see where your rig discs it out and use that as a bottom for your disc setting. If your not digging pants buttons and broken zippers as well as small junk jewelry like sequins and small beads/sparklers , you're probably missing the good stuff as well
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